Required documents to keep on file:
- Copies of Drivers License or State IDs
- Social Security Cards
- Proof of Residence for dependents claiming EIC
Income documents:
- Income from jobs: forms W-2 for you and your spouse
- Investment income—various forms 1099 (-INT, -DIV, -B, etc.), K-1s, stock option information
- Income from state and local income tax refunds and/or unemployment: forms 1099-G
- Taxable alimony received
- Business or farming income—profit/loss statement, capital equipment information
- If you use your home for business—home size, office size, home expenses, office expenses
- IRA/pension distributions—forms 1099-R, 8606
- Rental property income/expense—profit/Loss statement, rental property suspended loss information
- Social Security benefits—forms SSA-1099
- Income from sales of property—original cost and cost of improvements, escrow closing statement, cancelled debt information (form 1099-C)
- Prior year installment sale information—forms 6252, principal and Interest collected during the year, SSN and address of payer
- Other miscellaneous income—jury duty, gambling winnings, Medical Savings Account (MSA), scholarships, etc.
(Use our handy IRS document search tool for your documents)
How can I check on my tax refunds? Tax Related Web-sites/phone numbers: IRS IRS Get Refund Status IRS Inquiry Phone: (800) 829-1040